2019 Ohio State Football Stats

See the 2019 Ohio State Football Roster

2019 Ohio State Passing Stats

PlayerCompPass AttCmp %Pass YdsPass TDPass Int
Justin Fields Ohio StateJustin Fields23835467.23273413
Chris Chugunov264360.528660
gunnar hoak ohio stateGunnar Hoak66100.010410
Drue Chrisman Ohio StateDrue Chrisman11100.02100

2019 Ohio State Rushing Stats

PlayerRush AttRush YdsRush AvgRush TDFumLost
J.K. Dobbins Ohio StateJ.K. Dobbins30120036.72132
Justin Fields Ohio StateJustin Fields1374843.51095
Master Teague Ohio StateMaster Teague1357895.8411
Marcus Crowley Ohio StateMarcus Crowley252379.5100
Steele Chambers Ohio StateSteele Chambers191357.1100
Demario McCall Ohio StateDemario McCall181226.8200
Chris Chugunov4-10-2.5011
gunnar hoak ohio stateGunnar Hoak4-6-1.5011
Chris Olave Ohio StateChris Olave252.5000
K.J. Hill Ohio StateK.J. Hill111.0010
Amari McMahon Ohio StateAmari McMahon11010.0000

2019 Ohio State Receiving Stats

PlayerRecRec YdsRec AvgRec TDFumLost
K.J. Hill Ohio StateK.J. Hill5763611.21010
Chris Olave Ohio StateChris Olave4984917.31200
Binjimen Victor Ohio StateBinjimen Victor3557316.4600
Garrett Wilson Ohio StateGarrett Wilson3043214.4522
Austin Mack Ohio StateAustin Mack2736113.4300
J.K. Dobbins Ohio StateJ.K. Dobbins2324710.7232
Jeremy Ruckert Ohio StateJeremy Ruckert1414210.1400
Luke Farrell Ohio StateLuke Farrell711917.0200
Jameson Williams Ohio StateJameson Williams611218.7100
Jaelen Gill Ohio State 2018Jaelen Gill6518.5111
Demario McCall Ohio StateDemario McCall4287.0000
Master Teague Ohio StateMaster Teague46015.0011
Rashod Berry Ohio StateRashod Berry22010.0000
Jake Hausmann Ohio StateJake Hausmann2136.5100
Marcus Crowley Ohio StateMarcus Crowley177.0100
Mitch Rossi Ohio StateMitch Rossi188.0000
Sam Wiglusz Ohio StateSam Wiglusz11111.0000
Ellijah Gardiner Ohio StateEllijah Gardiner11010.0000

2019 Ohio State Defensive Stats

PlayerPositionTklSoloAsstTFLTFL YdsSacksSack YdsFFFRIntInt YdsPBUBlkDef TD
Malik Harrison Ohio StateMalik HarrisonOLB75492616.5534.5270200400
Pete Werner Ohio StatePete WernerOLB6439255.511000200300
Jordan Fuller Ohio StateJordan FullerCB, S, ST624220000001226400
Tuff Borland Ohio StateTuf BorlandILB5527283131900142100
Chase Young Ohio StateChase YoungDE4632142112916.51176000310
Baron Browning Ohio StateBaron BrowningOLB43261710305250000100
Jeffrey Okudah Ohio StateJeffrey OkudahCB3529611002030900
Damon Arnette Ohio StateDamon ArnetteCB35278130010196801
Jashon Cornell Ohio StateJashon CornellDE, DT3016146.5334231000000
Davon Hamilton Ohio StateDaVon HamiltonDT28181010.5526450100000
Shaun Wade Ohio StateShaun WadeCB, S251694182141010800
zach harrison ohio stateZach HarrisonDE2414105203.5180000000
Dallas Gant Ohio State 2018Dallas GantOLB, ST21912371.551000000
Amir Riep Ohio StateAmir RiepCB, S201010000000216200
Brendon White Ohio StateBrendon WhiteS1915423110000100
Tommy Togiai Ohio StateTommy TogiaiDT168824000000100
Javontae Jean-Baptiste Ohio State 2018Javontae Jean-BaptisteDE14681.591.590000000
Cameron Brown Ohio State 2018Cameron BrownCB, DB, ST, WR1410425000000100
Robert Landers Ohio StateRobert LandersDT14686110.550100000
K'Vaughan Pope Ohio StateK’Vaughan PopeILB, ST136700000024200
Josh Proctor Ohio StateJosh ProctorS, ST1310300000010300
Justin Hilliard Ohio StateJustin HilliardILB, OLB1376310000010000
Antwuan Jackson Ohio State 2018Antwuan JacksonDT13853.56000000000
Teradja Mitchell Ohio StateTeradja MitchellILB127524000000000
Tyreke Smith Ohio StateTyreke SmithDE12935283250000200
Sevyn Banks Ohio State 2018Sevyn BanksCB, ST111011.55000010310
Haskell Garrett Ohio StateHaskell GarrettDT10552.56000000000
Jahsen Wint Ohio StateJahsen WintS9541121120000000
Alex Williams Ohio StateAlex WilliamsDE84400000000000
Tyler Friday Ohio State 2018Tyler FridayDE8533142130100000
Marcus Williamson Ohio StateMarcus WilliamsonCB, ST75200001100000
Marcus Hooker Ohio State 2018Marcus HookerS, ST74300000000100
Jonathan Cooper Ohio StateJonathon CooperDE65161600000100
Craig Young Ohio StateCraig YoungOLB, S53200000000000
Zaid Hamdan Ohio State 2018Zaid HamdanDT41300000000000
Jerron Cage Ohio StateJerron CageDT41311000100100
Blake Haubeil Ohio StateBlake HaubeilK43100000000000
Chris Olave Ohio StateChris OlaveWR33000000000010
Tyreke Johnson Ohio State 2018Tyreke JohnsonCB31200000000000
Isaiah Pryor Ohio StateIsaiah PryorS32100000000000
Cade Stover Ohio StateCade StoverOLB, TE32100000000000
Jameson Williams Ohio StateJameson WilliamsWR22000000000000
Austin Mack Ohio StateAustin MackWR22000000000000
Bryson Shaw Ohio StateBryson ShawS20200000000000
tommy eichenberg ohio stateTommy EichenbergOLB, ST20200000000000
Aaron Cox Ohio State 2018Aaron CoxDE22000000000000
noah potter ohio stateNoah PotterDE21100000000000
Xavier Johnson Ohio StateXavier JohnsonCB, ST, TB, WR11000000000000
Kevin Dever Ohio State 2018Kevin DeverS10100000000000
Mitch Rossi Ohio StateMitch RossiST, TE11000000000000
ben schmiesing ohio stateBen SchmiesingILB10100000000000
Jake Hausmann Ohio StateJake HausmannST, TE11000000000000
Sam Wiglusz Ohio StateSam WigluszWR10100000000000

2019 Ohio State Kicking and Punting Stats

PlayerPtPt YdsPunt AvgTBI20Pt BlkdXPXPAXP %FGFGAFG %
Blake Haubeil Ohio StateBlake Haubeil000.00008585100.0131586.7
Drue Chrisman Ohio StateDrue Chrisman46203744.38180000.0000.0

2019 Ohio State Kick and Punt Return Stats

Demario McCall Ohio StateDemario McCall1023223.208658.10
Chris Olave Ohio StateChris Olave11515.0011818.00
Marcus Crowley Ohio StateMarcus Crowley11717.00000.00
Xavier Johnson Ohio StateXavier Johnson11919.00000.00
Sevyn Banks Ohio State 2018Sevyn Banks000.00155.00
K.J. Hill Ohio StateK.J. Hill000.005387.60